Productivity Enhancement: Top 7 Tips for an Employer

5 min readMay 29, 2019


Productivity seems to be a favorite word among managers and employers, and for a good reason. In today’s world, it is incredibly difficult to run a successful business, simply because there is so much competition out there. This is why so many employers push their employees to work harder, to work longer, which does produce results, up to a certain point, after which they risk employee burnout. The number of hours worked is not always directly proportional to productivity and company’s bottom line.

Productivity and efficiency are about working smarter, not harder. According to research done by Gallup, employee engagement in the US has grown to 34%, which is good news, since employee engagement is one of the crucial factors when it comes to productivity. In addition to engagement, another important factor is employee well-being and health. They can only give their best if they are feeling their best.

Another bit of research which provides us with a bit more insight into productivity is that fact that 89% of HR leaders agree that continuous peer feedback and check-ins are crucial for success. In other words, providing your employees with relevant and timely feedback, as well as recognizing all of their hard work, is paramount for their job satisfaction, their feeling of purpose and meaning, and as a result of that, their productivity as well.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at top seven tips on how to enhance the productivity of your employees as an employer.

1. Provide Your Employees with the Right Tools

While your employees’ education, skills, and dedication play a crucial role in their productivity, those can only take them so far. If they don’t have the right tools for the job, both in terms of software and hardware, their output is going to suffer. If that is the case in your company, then that is all on you, not your employees. According to EduBirdie manager, Tom Tyson, their company has seen an increase in their writer’s productivity after they have switched from a free text editor to a premium one.

But, it’s not just about the software your employees are using to do their specific tasks either. Relying on the right communication and project management tools, such as Trello, Slack, or Jira, especially during large projects, can ensure that everyone involved is on the same page, and that each member of the team is aware of what all the others are doing. Something which has also worked for the Ninja Essays office are time tracking apps, which can help every employer to see how much each of their employees has contributed to the overall productivity of the company.

2. Provide Training for Employees

According to research done by the Association for Talent Development, companies that provide their employees with training have a 218% greater income per employee that those which don’t. In addition to that, their profit margin is larger by 24%. Employee training can also help with employee retention, according to findings by Rushmyessay team. A lot of managers and employers simply fire an employee which is lacking in productivity or skills, and replace them with another one. However, that is something that should be your last resort, because even though your new employee is better, you have already spent your money on integrating the old one into the company, and now you have to do that all over again.

3. Improve Working Conditions

In order to implement this one, you will have to keep your eyes open, as well as communicate with your employees honestly and openly and accept their feedback. For instance, in a survey done by Future Workplace, 70% of employees have said that access to natural light makes them more productive. Also, you need to make sure that the office temperature is optimal and that your employees have access to air condition. If they are constantly trying to cool themselves down, they aren’t going to be able to focus on their tasks. The same goes for the quality of your office furniture and other office amenities, such as the kitchen or break room.

4. Delegate Your Work

Delegating some of your important tasks to your employees is not without its risks, but if you decide to do it, you will be surprised at how it affects their productivity. Giving them more responsibility will make them feel more valued, which will boost their morale and job satisfaction. Of course, start with those employees which have proved themselves as reliable. Also, delegating some of your work will help you devote your attention to something more important, or to simply ease the stress. Back in college, when you were pressed to write several essays on time, you have probably turned to one writing service or another. In this case, you can turn to your employees.

5. Give Remote Work a Shot

According to research done by Hubstaff, remote workers are more productive, which contrasts with the popular opinion that they will spend their time at home doing nothing. In addition to being more productive, they work longer hours, they are rarely sick, and their engagement is higher. And as if that wasn’t enough, remote work can not only earn, but also save your business a lot of money, since you will have to pay less office space, and other office-related costs. Finally, the option of remote work gives you access to a larger talent pool, since you can employ anyone from anywhere.

6. Break Up the Routine

While it’s only natural that your employees are assigned to sectors and tasks which are best suited for their skills, such a setup can get pretty stale and monotonous after a while, which can then lead to employees disengagement. The solution to this would be to assign your employees with tasks which are outside of their usual comfort zone, and to temporarily place them in a different division of the company. Not only will they learn something new, but they will also get a more complete view of your business, and become more aware of how each division of your company impacts the company itself.

7. Provide Perks

Unless you are managing Google or Facebook, your company is probably not able to provide its employees with perks such as gaming rooms, gyms, nap pods, or free food. However, keep in mind that four out five employees have said that they would prefer perks as opposed to a raise. Even though you may not have a huge budget when it comes to perks, as an employer, you can probably afford to pay for your employees’ gym membership, or arrange for a discount in one of their favorite stores or places that they go out to, such as restaurants, movies theaters, or clubs.


As you can see, making your employees more productive doesn’t necessarily mean making them work more or paying them more. A simple appreciation for all of their hard work can go a long way, not to mention all the small, but important perks that can make their stay at the office just a little bit more comfortable and pleasant.

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