How to Implement Your GTD System: Making It Work
“Practice the philosophy of continuous improvement. Get a little bit better every single day.” ~ Brian Tracy
We’ve already seen how to set up from scratch a personal management system based on the GTD methodology and how to start populating data to start fulfilling its purpose. You already have it running. From here, what should you do in order to keep the system running and fulfill its ultimate purpose, which is to make it easier to manage your commitments in your personal and professional life?
It’s not about working harder and faster, it’s about knowing you’re relying on a system that allows you to do whatever each situation requires of you.
The amount of time a potentially interesting element is in your system without taking action only depends on you and the circumstances you are going through. The important thing is that during all that time this element is under control, without causing any stress.
The following practices will help you get the necessary trust in your system, since you will be able to update it both quickly and completely at any time.
Use and empty inboxes
By now, this should be obvious. The origin of each element in your system is formed by two independent but closely related moments: a capture and a clarification of what you have captured. The capture introduces a new element into the system. The clarification puts it in the right place with the right information to surface at the right time.
Obviously, in order for this to take place you have to use your capture tools and inboxes without hesitation. Items have to go in and out of there every day.
Until this becomes a regular practice, force yourself to empty all inboxes every day. The goal is to have no items in your inboxes at some point each day.
Do weekly reviews
I repeat it over and over again. Reviewing all the things that have your attention and updating them once a week is the best way to make your system work.
Do whatever you have to do in order for this habit to settle in, no matter what personal management system you use. You will thank me for it.
Evaluate and update your system constantly
Everything becomes obsolete sooner or later. Your life and your world change, and so do your responsibilities. What used to be interesting for you now bores you, and it turns out that there’s something new, that has come out of nowhere, that you’re now passionate about.
It’s all right, it’s normal. That’s life as it is. If you rely on a system of this type you will perceive these changes as soon as they appear: you will add a project you would like to do, get frustrated because you can’t dedicate enough time to the things you like, notice that certain commitments are starting to become burdensome, etc.
When this happens, re-assess your system, recalibrate your priorities, clean out files and old tasks or ideas, think about how you could use new technology to manage your life more effectively. You can also do this on a regular basis, every year, every two years, etc.
When you feel that the obsolescence of data is distracting you, either because of the way it is sorted or classified, it may be time to create a new project and a next action to update your system.
Lastly, when should you capture, clarify , organize, review or do these things? All stages of the workflow are equally important. Since they work holistically, there’s no set priority.
Following the general philosophy, what’s grabbing your attention at the moment? Maybe you have a bunch of captures that are distracting you. Then you must clear them up. Perhaps you feel that a certain project needs more and better information in order to move forward. Go ahead, organize it. Or maybe there’s something that’s becoming urgent. Do it.
When you’re not sure about which option to choose in each moment, put everything you have in mind on your inboxes and then, process and empty the inboxes themselves. This way you will free your head in order to think clearer and all the things you have to do will be easier to see.
Originally published at