Break These 8 Bad Habits to Boost Your Productivity
Are you continually chasing deadlines? Are you always behind schedule on everything? Do you also “accidentally” spend an hour on social media and get no work done? We’ve all been there. The stress and work pressure can get to the best of us. You have your dream job, earn a handsome amount and still feel demotivated. Bad habits are stealthy, sneaking into your daily routine when you least expect it. They hog on your time, affect your creativity and can even lead to burnout. Don’t let procrastination become a personality trait. Break these eight bad habits to boost your productivity.
Not being Tech-Savvy
Technology these days is a very dynamic space that is constantly being upgraded and improved. You must be informed about these changes. Being updated with the latest tools and apps used in the industry makes you more marketable. Most people can get rigid in their ways though. Flexibility is a valued virtue in the professional sphere. And in this day and age, no one can afford to be technically challenged. Almost every sector has become mechanised.
If you are in the top management position, you can make some policy changes in the organisation for improved efficiency as well. Introduce training programs to make the workforce technologically empowered and relevant.
Social Media Addiction
The internet has become an indispensable part of our life. Our days begin with scrolling through the Twitter feed and ends with sharing Instagram stories. Being active on social media is not necessarily a bad habit, provided you know your limits. Don’t lose your grip on reality. Life doesn’t have rose tint filters. You need to get back to reality and take on your responsibilities.
Stop checking your phone every minute when you are working. Some apps allow you to lock your social media accounts for a while when you are working on an important task. Also, reduce your dependency on gadgets in general. It would make you more self-reliant and confident in your abilities.
Late to Bed, Late to rising
Staying up late and waking up, groggy-eyed has become a common trait among professionals these days. When was the last time you had a solid 8-hour shut-eye? Not getting enough sleep leads to daytime fatigue, irritation and loss of focus. Make it a point to get in bed by midnight. Soak up the early hours of the night, that is when you get the best REM sleep.
Avoid taking your work home. Your bedroom should be a peaceful and stress-free space. Also, the glare of the television or phone damages your eyesight. Negative thoughts, anxiety and depression are some other reasons that can hog in your sleep time. Consult a professional if it is affecting your everyday functioning tenfold.
The Struggle for Perfection
Most professionals, especially from the technical field, tend to get caught up in one task or project. People from the creative area might also have the urge to do and redo a job until it is perfect. And while this may seem like a great approach initially, the strive for perfection is a time-taking process. Learn when to let things go. You cannot control every aspect of the project and tweak it the way you want. With experience, you will learn the value of teamwork, cooperation, workplace harmony and other lessons.
Lack of Physical Activity
The 9–5 jobs are mentally taxing but hardly involve any physical exercise. Staying hunched up in front of the computer is not the most interesting of work environments. Also, it can take quite a toll on your psychological and physical well-being. The added problem of obesity, bad eyesight and increased blood pressure and cholesterol make matters worse.
A few simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in improving your overall productivity. Wake up early, spend an hour meditating, go out for a morning jog. It would keep you energised for the day and also help you shed those kilos. You can even sign up for a gym membership, take swimming lessons or other activities. A fit body is one of the first steps towards a healthy mind.
Skipping Breakfast
In the morning rush, we often forget one of the most important meals of the day. Having a hearty breakfast keeps your body rejuvenated and alert for the day. It also reduces the risk of gastric issues, ulcers and digestive problems. Make it a point to have a nutritious breakfast before going to work. Even a glass of skimmed milk and some toast would do. Carry some snacks with you in case you get hungry. It is better to eat a bite every two hours than consuming large portions at once. A full stomach would make you super sleepy and lethargic.
Ineffective Time Management
Time management is one of the first things that you should learn as a professional. Time is a limited resource; everyone gets only 24 hours’ day. It is how we utilise the time that makes all the difference. Some platforms help you manage your daily tasks, set reminders, update your schedule and keep you prepared for the day. Thanks to technology, you have the tools to help you boost your productivity and meet those deadlines.
Trying to Multitask
People usually see multitasking as a process that saves time and makes you more productive. In reality, the more tasks you manage to juggle, the more than chances that you’ll mess it up. Focusing on one task at a time is a smarter alternative any day. Don’t try to take up a lot of projects at once. Concentrate on one task and channelise all your skills in it. It might seem like a time-intensive process, but it is far more accurate and requires little rework.
Avoid multitasking, focus on specialising in one field and work your way up from there. It is also better than you have targets set for the day. Give yourself little rewards and incentives when you meet these personal milestones. It boosts your confidence, puts you in a happier mood and improves your work .
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